A New Found Hope

I am so blessed, feel uplifted, and granted new hope this week.

This week from Feb 2 – 11 2018, the The Canadian Online Homeschool Conference has be going on. As I write this, it is day 5. This is the 2nd year it has been put on by The Canadian Homeschooler. It has covered so many topics so far. From the basics of home schooling to special needs to youth and kid sessions.

The beauty of this conference is that it is completely online. From vendors to the sessions to open chat times to get together with others from across Canada. Some chat sessions expand on sessions we are watching. Many sessions have free download items to help you make notes or further information given. I have found the sessions so informative even though we have been homeschooling for 5 years.

The chat program allows text chat, audio chat and video chat depending on your level of confidence or techno-ability. I have really enjoyed these time because it allows me to connect with others despite my shortcomings socially and my disability.

I am able to look at sessions when it is easier for me and still go about my day.

My kids enjoyed a session on proper knife usage for cooking and life in the arctic circle.

The conference at the moment is free to attend and sessions are left available for 48 hours after they go live. At the end of the conference you can buy an all-access pass that will allow you to do any session over and over again.

I am looking forward to finishing it and attending next year…and maybe just maybe I will finally have the courage to put in a session myself on homeschooling dads 🙂

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with The Canadian Homeschooler beyond friendship or the conference this year beyond being an attendee. 🙂

Added Some links

If you haven’t checked out our Useful Links section, you should!!!

I have just added a few more today.

I have added:

We have been using this site to listen to the audio versions of his stories after reading the book.

A cool site that teaches how to incorporate some of your geeky hobbies and shows into your schooling.

We have one of their curriculum books to use this year…review  is coming soon.

A site where you can order the above curriculum from in Canada.

Generally where we order our curriculum books from for the year…easy and safe.

We have been using their Young Explorers Series for Science for years now. Review is coming soon.

Gonoodle Fun

Gamerboy is seeing a specialist for his ADHD and he recommended Gonoodle for a source of physical activity which would appeal to Gamerboy’s love of dance. He said it would help him to focus for school and to get him to move in a way that was not disrupting the flow of the day.

We have been doing it everyday for over a week.. I, RebelDad, have joined in everyday. It is low impact enough for me and my cerebral palsy. I am hoping the 20-30 mins a day we do will help me to lose a bit of weight.

Each day, we start out with the video called “I am a Warrior.” While it is a yoga based stretching video, it also have some good affirmation statements that we felt would help Gamerboy in building his confidence.

It has not only helped Gamerboy immensely, it has also created bonding time with him. We love the various videos and love working towards the 10 videos we need each day to get an item for Gamerboy’s “Champ;” who Gamerboy has named David.


This is Gamerboy’s favourite video character; Maximo. He does the Chicken Dance and the “Maxerina”


It also has function to show how long your kids are active in the parent section.


This is a definitive must have for families who have limited abilities to do physical education. They even have super mixes they call indoor recess, they count as 2-3 points towards the champ’s items.. We do one of these everyday too.